
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Haunting Song

(To be narrated with electric solo in background)

There is a legend that whips on down from Montana to Texas,
a Song that plays from London to Cairo.
Since the Dawn of Time this song has played it’s enchanting melody. Bringing Life, and eventually, Death.

Though the tune remains the same, no two people have ever heard the same song.
There are none who can understand it, fewer still who can hear it playing on the wind.
Those who can are wanderers, outcasts; travelers traveling in a land not their own.
They are running, though they do not know why, or where too.
But they know that when it catches up to them, their time on this earth is up.

But even more terrifying than the few who can hear the Song are the even fewer who can play it.
It started with the ones the Greeks called Muses, and ever few centuries there is born one with the skill and talent to play this accursed Song.
They can never remember the tune, they can never play it twice.
And all of them have died tragic deaths.

For the Song is like a plague, carried from place to place by those who play it.
And in the wake of the Song rides Death himself.

The opening chords are the first thing you hear.
And the fading refrain is the last.

(Vs 1)
A middle aged man and a Harley,
A dark night and an open road.
And a strange song plays on the wind,
Of forgotten causes and cursed men.
The homes and lives of those long dead,
Race on beside his fiery tread.

And the Song plays on to the dawn,
But the chords echo on.

As the thunder clash and the lightning crash,
And demons ride behind.
He’s running from all the fear and pain of a heart drowned in wrong,
He’s cursed to ride and ride, driven by this haunting Song.

(Vs 2)
The engine purrs and lets off fumes,
While six strings hum in ghostly tune.
The bass keeps beat with his pounding heart,
And the crash sounds with the thunder.
And the snare sounds through the atmosphere.
The Song is fast and chilling cold,
It’s familiar to both young and old.


(Vs 3)
Another ghost town, and the rain falls down.
The demons of the night meet the angels of the day,
As the biker rides to the beat of a haunting refrain.
And as the solo starts, there’s a shrieking of broken hearts,
And down comes the rain.

(solo piece/climax)

And the spirits of those who’ll die, meet those who died before.
And the graves that lie unmarked, will all be known once more.
Hell will give up it’s dead, the perished will walk again.
There will be none who are not judged,
Not one woman, child or man.


~Copyright Locke 2008~

Rain of Fire

(Vs 1)
Standing on a hill,
Seeing the bulls they killed,
Hearing the priests cry out in vain,
Seeing Elijah’s fire fall like rain.

(Chorus 1)
Rain of Fire,
Purify me.
Rain of Fire,
Cleanse me.
Rain of Fire,
Burn through.
Rain of Fire,
Straight from you.

(Vs 2)
Standing under the cross,
Seeing the One who saves the lost.
Hearing the pain as spear pierced his side,
Feeling blood fall with tears he cried.

(Chorus 2)
Rain of Blood,
Wash me clean.
Rain of Blood,
Pour over me.
Rain of Blood,
Make me free.
Rain of Blood,
Wash over me.

(Chorus 1)

~Copyright Locke 2007~

Eternity(Means Forever)

(Vs 1)
Come see, look what I found,
Physical wants won’t stay around.
You could fill all life with play,
But happiness won’t come that way.
This is Life, and just ‘Phase One’,
But when you die you’re far from done!

Eternity, means forever,
Eternity, with God forever.
The wants of the world will pass away,
But God is with us, come what may!

(Vs 2)
What’s that you say?
“Life is short and just lasts a day.”
Well, this is just a short sojourn,
But I’m going on while you crash and BURN!


(Bridge x2)
Eternity, means forever,
God is with us, always and forever!

~Copyright Locke 2007~

Locke- Introduction


“Knowledge comes through experience and reflection” (John Locke- Empiricist)

Locke's Motto: "We supply the experience, God supplies the understanding."

God is Eternal life,
We are to bring God to his people.
The way to God is locked inside of us,
We are the Locke, God is the Key to Eternal Life.