
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rain of Fire

(Vs 1)
Standing on a hill,
Seeing the bulls they killed,
Hearing the priests cry out in vain,
Seeing Elijah’s fire fall like rain.

(Chorus 1)
Rain of Fire,
Purify me.
Rain of Fire,
Cleanse me.
Rain of Fire,
Burn through.
Rain of Fire,
Straight from you.

(Vs 2)
Standing under the cross,
Seeing the One who saves the lost.
Hearing the pain as spear pierced his side,
Feeling blood fall with tears he cried.

(Chorus 2)
Rain of Blood,
Wash me clean.
Rain of Blood,
Pour over me.
Rain of Blood,
Make me free.
Rain of Blood,
Wash over me.

(Chorus 1)

~Copyright Locke 2007~

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