
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Who I Am- 12/8/10


Well I was born in early December, I’m the child of the ice and wind.
I am True Love’s last defender, a sheep in wolf’s skin.
I am the best friend of Justice, the singer of that haunting song.
And I’ll be here when everyone is gone.
Yeah I have a light and dark side, like every other man.
But you know, when it comes down to it,
I’m content with who I am.

(Vs. 1)
Well you know I’ve been called a liar, and maybe it’s true.
And I’ve been called a player, who could never be faithful to you.
I’ve been told I’m crazy, with no respect for my own life.
And I’ve been told I’m trouble, a source of chaos and strife.
While all those may be true, there is so much more to me.
So much more behind these eyes, that no one wants to see.


(Vs. 2)
I’m a wall you can pound on, to let your anger out.
I’m the Silence in the darkness, when your heart just can’t get out.
I’m the blazing Red Avenger, when your enemies all are around;
And the strong-armed Protector, when life has got you down.
I’m here when I’m needed, and I’ll be gone when I’m not.
When you’re happy I can rejoice with you, or I can take all the pain you’ve got.


And I know you think that I’m still young, and that’s a lot to ask of me.
But let me assure you, Brother, Sister,
That’s all I want to be.


(Chorus x2 then Fade)

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