
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Who I Am- 12/8/10


Well I was born in early December, I’m the child of the ice and wind.
I am True Love’s last defender, a sheep in wolf’s skin.
I am the best friend of Justice, the singer of that haunting song.
And I’ll be here when everyone is gone.
Yeah I have a light and dark side, like every other man.
But you know, when it comes down to it,
I’m content with who I am.

(Vs. 1)
Well you know I’ve been called a liar, and maybe it’s true.
And I’ve been called a player, who could never be faithful to you.
I’ve been told I’m crazy, with no respect for my own life.
And I’ve been told I’m trouble, a source of chaos and strife.
While all those may be true, there is so much more to me.
So much more behind these eyes, that no one wants to see.


(Vs. 2)
I’m a wall you can pound on, to let your anger out.
I’m the Silence in the darkness, when your heart just can’t get out.
I’m the blazing Red Avenger, when your enemies all are around;
And the strong-armed Protector, when life has got you down.
I’m here when I’m needed, and I’ll be gone when I’m not.
When you’re happy I can rejoice with you, or I can take all the pain you’ve got.


And I know you think that I’m still young, and that’s a lot to ask of me.
But let me assure you, Brother, Sister,
That’s all I want to be.


(Chorus x2 then Fade)

The One For Me (Duet)- 11/28/10

Duet by Locke

(Vs. 1- Girl)
He’s been coming here for a long time,
Since I don’t remember when.
Always gets the same thing,
And never drinks with friends.
But there’s something in his eyes,
That calls me to his side.
That lonely gleam in that gentle face,
He’s so shy but I’ll talk to him all the same.

(Chorus- Girl)
We could be two hearts brought together by the grace of God alone.
A man and woman destined to be together until our lives are done.
Now I’m not saying I’m gonna push my hand,
But if it happens to be God’s Plan,
He could be the one for me.

(Vs. 2- Guy)
Well I’ve been coming here for a long time,
I don’t even know why.
Maybe it’s the girl behind the bar,
Though I can’t get up the nerve to say “hi”.
But there’s something in the way her hair falls about her face,
That catches my eye and makes my heart race.
I’m so shy but I think I’ll talk to her the same.

(Chorus- Guy)
We could be two hearts brought together by the grace of God alone.
A man and woman destined to be together until our lives are done.
Now I’m too shy to push my hand,
But if this could be God’s Plan,
She could be the one for me.

Guy- Oh, here she comes walking up to me.
Girl- Hey, I noticed you’ve been watching me.
Guy- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend…
Girl- Would you like to get dinner after my shift ends?

Guy/Girl- We could be two hearts brought together by the Grace of God alone.
Guy- A man and woman destined to be together until our lives are done.
Girl- Now God has gone and shown his hand,
Guy- I think this could be His Plan,
Girl- He could be the one for me…
Guy- She could be the one for me…
Both- This could be our destiny… (fade out)

Why Must You Leave- 10/7/10

Why must you leave?

Why must you leave me alone?
I can’t live without you.
And why must you leave me alone?
I feel like I just found you,
I can’t even cry without you,
I can’t live while you’re gone…
While you’re gone.

(Vs. 1)
I loved you since the day we met,
But now you say you’re leavin’,
You’re gonna leave me behind.
You don’t know where you’re goin’,
You say you’ll be back someday.
But you know I can’t live without you,
I just couldn’t live that way.


(Vs. 2)
Well this cuts me too the soul,
And my heart is screaming,
I think I’ll lose my mind.
I don’t know why you’re leaving,
I don’t know if you’ll be back someday.
I don’t know if I’ll survive without you,
I doubt I can live this way.


They say parting is such sweet sorrow,
But there’s nothing sweet about it.
They say it will pass come tomorrow,
But somehow I doubt it,
My heart can’t beat this way.

(Chorus x2)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Why Must You Leave?" -10/7/10

~For Liz~

Why must you leave me alone?
I can’t live without you.
And why must you leave me alone?
I feel like I just found you,
I can’t even cry without you,
I can’t live while you’re gone…
While you’re gone.

(Vs. 1)
I loved you since the day we met,
But now you say you’re leavin’,
You’re gonna leave me behind.
You don’t know where you’re goin’,
You say you’ll be back someday.
But you know I can’t live without you,
I just couldn’t live that way.


(Vs. 2)
Well this cuts me too the soul,
And my heart is screaming,
I think I’ll lose my mind.
I don’t know why you’re leaving,
I don’t know if you’ll be back someday.
I don’t know if I’ll survive without you,
I doubt I can live this way.


They say parting is such sweet sorrow,
But there’s nothing sweet about it.
They say it will pass come tomorrow,
But somehow I doubt it,
My heart can’t beat this way.

(Chorus x2)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Start of the rest of our Lives

NOTE: This is the song I preformed on Monday, June 1st for my Graduation Ceremony.

(Vs 1)
It’s the first day of the rest of my life.
It’s the last glance before I turn off the lights.
Oh, as I play my song and the words ring through your head,
Look back and remember all the good times we had.

There were times we laughed, and times we cried,
Surprises that left us tongue-tied,
And days where silence was a rule.
We looked back through all the years, and couldn’t help feeling old.
We had jokes that everyone knew, and secrets we’ve never told.
Now as the sun goes down, don’t let the tears leave your eyes,
Because it’s just the start of the rest of our lives.

(Vs 2)
It’s the time for moving up, and moving on.
And our memories are still with us, they’re not gone.
Oh, and as the sun sinks down in a color-filled sky,
We can look forward to a glorious life.


And as I sit here with my six-string dressed in black,
We move on down the road, we should never look back.
Have no regrets, just memories,
And remember,

All the times we laughed, and times we cried,
Surprises that left us tongue-tied,
And days we hated school.
We looked back through all the years, and couldn’t help feeling old.
We had jokes that everyone knew, and secrets we’ve never told.
Now as the sun goes down, don’t let the tears leave your eyes,
Because it’s just the start of the rest of our lives.

(Chorus 2)
There were times we laughed, and times we cried,
Surprises that left us tongue-tied,
And days where silence was a rule.
We looked back through all the years, and couldn’t help feeling old.
We had jokes that everyone knew, and secrets we’ve never told.
I see nothing now but pale-blue skies,
And the start of the rest of our lives.

~Copyright Locke 2009~

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Space Adventure

(Opening/Intro: Star Wars theme song variation)

I’m off to the final frontier and back,
I know I gotta keep this ship on track,
I can’t set off without a map.
So with God at the helm and my Bible as guide,
1) You better hold on its gonna be a wild ride!
Spoken: “Scottie, full power.”
2) Just sit back this will take no time!
Spoken: “Warp 9, Mr. Sulu.”

(Vs 1)
spoken: “Captain, you are an illogical and irrational human being.”
And that is what he said,
When I tried to stay on my feet and I fell on my head.
I got beamed up when I thought I was dead,
I found there is so much more I have left to learn,
As I struggle through this weary sojourn.
It’s been going on ever since I was born,
This is just phase one I gotta hold out for more.


(Vs 2)
spoken: “Commander, execute order sixty-six.”
I heard that and thought “oh no”,
And now I’m running scared being chased by clones,
Following orders like a bunch of drones.
But I don’t wanna end up like that,
Running around like my mind went scat.
I won’t fall into the Evil One’s trap,
Oh how I wish I could whistle like that!
(R2-D2 chatter)


(Vs 3)
(R2-D2 Chatter)
What’s that, what did you say?
I think I need a golden droid to try and translate.
But God doesn’t work that way,
‘Cause when the language of life has you confused,
And you feel like you’re being used,
Just aim for God’s Son, put your ship on cruise,
Give it a try you’ve got nothing to loose.

(End/outro: Imperial March)

~Copyright Locke 2009~


(Vs 1)
They say I’m good at what I do,
But all along my inspiration was you.
And now you’re gone, you left me alone,
No backup now, I’m singing solo.

Now I’m up here on this empty stage,
Me and my six-string with no one to play for.
All alone, I just can’t believe,
But now that you’re gone, who will sing a duet with me?

(Vs 2)
I couldn’t take you back even if I tried,
I’ve been broken one to many times.
Like a lone wolf, I’m singing alone.
Hanging on that lingering note.

And as the lights go down on my flashing debut,
All I can think about is you.
Playing together, side-by-side.
Our voices ringing through the night…

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2009~