
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Letter From God (Unfinished)

(This song is mostly complete, I need 2 more lines for the bridge though, but I'll edit them in when I get them.)

(Vs 1)
I got a letter just the other day.
I opened it up, and this is what it did say;
Hey Kid, I love you and it will all be all right.
It may seem kind of dark and cold right about now,
But remember that there is a bright and shining sun behind the clouds.

And He said not what I wanted, but needed to hear.
He comforted me and took away all of my fear.
It was signed in gold and sealed with a cross,
It just made my day, this letter from God.

(Vs 2)
As I read on tears came to my eyes,
The letters in Red revealed all the world’s lies.
Because He knows it all nothing can hide,
And I know He’s not just along for part of the ride.
And though I had a rough day,
He told me I would be Okay.


And did you know that He has written you one too?
It’s in His Holy Word that He gave to you.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Diary of an Outlaw

(Vs 1)
Early morning cold, sun warms up my skin.
White scars stand out, as memories of past sin.
A face from a nightmare, stares out of the mirror at me.
My eyes are cold and red, with no feeling I can see.
My heart is torn and battered, like the body that holds it tight.
I brace my mind with brittle steel, to fight a loosing fight.

I’m not haunted by my life full of sin.
But by the crimes I could have done but never did.
I’m all alone with just my six-string at my side.
There is nowhere to run, no point to try and hide.
I’m chased by my heart’s pan and confused mind,
Sometimes I think I’m worth more dead, than alive.

(Vs 2)
Skeletons in the closet, and I dust them off again.
Empty sockets stare up at me, while lightning fills my brain.
They tell me to bury my dead,
And to get these thoughts out of my head.
But they don’t know that it’s easier said than done.
They don’t know how hard it is for a soul out on the run.


And they tell me not to run,
They say to lay down my gun,
But my life is far from done.
And I will always be on the run.

(Solo Vs)
And I’m running!
It’s for me their gunning!
And I’m still running!

I’m still running!

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Pick Me Up

(Vs 1)
Restore me, O God, make your face shine.
Come and save us, awaken your might.
Let them know you, whose name is the Lord,
That you alone are the Lord of earth.

Pick me up, help me to stand.
Be the Rock for this broken man.
Help me up, don’t let me fall.
Show me your hope, and I’ll give my all.
God help me of the ground,
You are the only life I have ever found.

(Vs 2)
Hear, O Lord, and answer me,
For I am poor and in need.
Guard my life, I’m devoted to you.
Save your servant, who trusts in you.


I will sing of your love, to you I will sing praise.
My God is God, and lives in his Holy Place.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

World Without a… God?

“Fastest Man Alive!”
“He is the Creator”
“The Caped Crusader”
“And He will be clothed in Majesty” (Zechariah 6:13)
“Man of Steel”
“Son of God”
“It’s a bird!”
“King of Kings”
“It’s a Plane!”
“Lord of Lords”
“No, its…”
“Jesus Christ, the Savior of all the world.”

(vs 1)

Dark Knight, cape flows back,
Face hidden by a cowl black.
No hope, dark is my day,
As I struggle to make the bad guys pay.

“S” Shield known to the world,
Chest swells up when flag unfurls.
Fire and bullets can’t break my skin,
But can I save the world from sin?

Because what is a superhero without a Savior?
Who saves the hero when his heart’s in danger?
What could he do when his souls at stake,
Without the Christ, his sins to take?
You can’t put Jesus out of a job,
‘Cause what is the world without God?

(Vs 2)
Red suit, gold lightning bolt.
He runs faster than a young colt.
Faster than fast, quickest of men,
But can he outrun his own sin?

Warrior chick from the Amazon,
She throws her lasso and Eres is gone.
But she’s been in love with Batman, Superman to.
Wonder Woman who’ll save you?


(Vs 3)
Hair tangled, falls down his back,
He’s here to get the world on track.
Many mortals will follow his cause,
Those who don’t fall to Satan’s jaws.

No super strength or X-ray vision,
From his eyes come just tears he cries.
A normal man with legacy divine,
Trust him with your life as I did mine.

(Chorus 2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

One More Sleepless Night

(Vs 1)
My head is pounding fast, like a roaring freight train.
Chugging down those tracks to derail my brain.
And there is nothing I can do to stop the pain.
Well I can’t remember how long it’s gone on,
But I know by rights I should be long gone,
And for some reason, I just barely hang on.

Yeah I fight another battle, although I know I’ll probably loose.
I fight for my God, and I fight for you.
Well these scars are from war, not work,
I’m fighting myself but not only I get hurt.
And there is little left for me in this pointless life.
But I brace myself for another fight,
And one more sleepless night.

(Vs 2)
Well my life seems to have no point at all,
And trying to fix it up is just money down the hole.
Not many want to deal with a patchwork soul.
But I hold on for what I know is True and Right,
I cling to God and his never-failing light.
And for you I’m willing to re-enter the fight.


Do you know how hard it is to have nothing to live for?
And how hard it is to get up and walk out that door?
When the pain takes over, and it’s hard to think or stand,
You feel useless, just a bleeding, broken, man.

(Chorus 2)
Yeah I fight another battle, although I know I’ll probably loose.
I fight for my God, and I fight for you.
Well these scars are from war, not work,
When I don’t fight myself no one gets hurt.
And someday when I fix this beaten and bloody life,
There’ll be no more reason to fight.
And maybe I could sleep at nights.

~Copyright Locke 2009~

By the Way…

(Vs 1)
Well, girls think I’m a little strange when I tell ‘em about my first girlfriend.
I describe her long neck and body’s curves, while they just sit and grin.
And when I say she was kinda high-strung, they roll their eyes and giggle.
They don’t understand I love her so, she was the perfect kind of model.

(spoken) You know where she is now?

She’s sitting in my closet in a big black case,
She’s got six strings and a sunburst face.
She loves to play and I do to,
I’m sure she’d love to meet you.
Oh, by the way, she’s my favorite little star,
She’s my guitar!

(Vs 2)
She never has accused me of an affair,
And I keep her in pretty good repair.
I handle her with lots of care,

(spoken) But on dates people all stare…


I’ll pick her any day,
Or maybe I’ll strum…
Oh well, people think our relationship is dumb…
But they don’t understand,
A girl like her is really grand!

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Friday, April 3, 2009


(Vs 1)
Just the other day, I sat outside the house,
Talking to a friend, about problems with his spouse.
He said she broke his heart, his life had come apart,
He asked me what, it happened like that to him,
I said I didn’t know, but God had a plan.
He made our hearts vulnerable, to bring us back to Him.

Because God didn’t make our hearts bulletproof,
He wanted us to run to Him and find the Truth.
He made the guns and ammo, that shoot up our hearts,
So that we wouldn’t run to far.

(Vs 2)
There are times in life, when we go astray,
Whether a girl of bottle, or a smoking ashtray.
Too dumb and stubborn, to pull out on our own.
So God sends something to make us ache and grown.
Forcing us to find the shelter of his Amazing Grace,
And bask in the light of His radiant face.


It’s not because he hates us, but he loves us through and through.
That’s why he didn’t make our hearts bulletproof.


~Copyright Locke 2008~

Gypsy Woman

(Vs 1)
Her body glows, like the waning moon.
Her eyes burn, like the summer sun.
She has a passion; she’s captured my heart.
She’s going to dance, ‘till the night is done.

Gypsy Woman,
What a stunning display.
Gypsy Woman,
What do you see when you in my face?
You’ve got me, woman,
I’m under your spell.
I’ve been bewitched, since the night fell.

(Vs 2)
Her dance is fluid, like the flowing water.
She floats on the wind with poise and grace.
Her eyes, glowing like embers,
Search me out through time and space.


(Vs 2)
The Sun rises, as fast as Apollo can fly.
The Gypsy woman fades with the dark.
I know she’ll be back, with the moonlight,
To dance with the wolves, while the coyotes bark.

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2009~

Bless the Scars

God, bless these scars.
I know I’ve come so far,
And have a long way to go.
God, bring peace to this war.
Bring this wreck to the shore,
Because I don’t know what to do.

(Vs 1)
See the cuts on my heart, see the jagged scars.
I’ve been down lower than I thought I could go.
I’ve almost drowned when the waters of Life began to flow.

I’ve lived a life of hurt and pain,
I want to see the sun and sky again.
Save my soul while you still can.
I can be killed; I’m just a man.


(Vs 2)
See the blood on my hands, see all my dying friends.
I’ve seen hurt, like you’ve never known.
I’m still not sure where my life will go.


God wants me to life my life for Him,
And I’m tired of carrying all this sin.
I’m tired of all the tears,
I’ve faced to many fears,
I feel I’ve lived to many years.


~Copyright Locke 2009~

This One’s on the House

(Vs 1)
I can tell with just a glance, you’re one of the “half-full” kind.
While the world is going down in flames, you’re gonna fly.
But if I judge the tear-streaks right, Life has not been kind.
It’s harder to pick yourself up after each and every time.

This one’s on the house,
The only thing you don’t have to pay for.
This one’s on the house,
To help you take on the world,
And when you feel like you’re maxed out, remember to come back here,
And take away your fear,
With another one on the house.

(Vs 2)
Hey, don’t worry; all I give to you is free.
You don’t have to pay nothing, I give to you like it was to me.
I can see this doesn’t make sense,
But you shouldn’t have to pay for you to repent.
So sit down, open your heart, open your mind.
I know it’s hard, you’ve almost given up.
But don’t give it, just try.

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Tequila in the Morning “For all this people who are just… ‘different’.”

(Vs 1)
Well just the other day, my girl said to me,
“Hey you look good boy, what you doing differently?”
I thought just a minute, and I said “Not much new, except one little thing.”
She just shook her head and laughed, when my explaining was through.

Well some like a mocha in the morning, saying the caffeine will clear their head.
While all the learned doctors in the world suggest Merlot before bed.
I don’t know if I’m crazy, but they say it just aint right,
To have Tequila in the morning and coffee at night.

(Vs 2)
Well you can ask my momma, and I’m sure she will attest,
I’ve always been a weird, a little different from the rest.
But being average never really did work out for me.
So try not to fit in for once, try it and see.


Well just the other day, my girl said to me,
“Hey you look good boy, what you doing differently?”
I thought just a minute, and I said “Not much new…”

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Lonely Road

{This is another chord-less song}

So I move on down this road,
Looking for a place to leave my load,
Somewhere on down this lonely road.
One more town in my rear-view.
One more city I just pass through.
This world is so alone and cold.
So I move on down this lonely road.

(Vs 1)
One more city, one more town.
One more un-walked piece of ground.
One more set of stone-cold eyes, set to turn me away.
One more row of imposing doors all closed in my face.


(Vs 2)
Another motel, and I drive on by.
The pain sets in, but I can’t cry.
I’ve been in this world so long I’m desensitized.
I’ve learned to ignore the world’s tricks and lies.


Another dollar, another day.
Another forgotten sin for which I have to pay.
Clouds hang over this head of mine,
But ask me all you like; I’ll say I’m just fine.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

The Ballad of the Six String Bandit

(Vs 1)
Mary was a good girl, she never was out with the guys,
Laughing and carousing, and drinking the local bar dry.
She had hair like the finest gold, eyes like blue fire.
Twenty years old and still not hitched,
She was all the boy’s desire.
But no one had a chance, until out by Chuck’s ranch,
The Bandit rode to town.

He was a good-looking boy with long hair of black.
A rucksack he carried with the guitar on his back.
He rode through town like the place was his,
On the back of the gorgeous roan.
He was the Six-string Bandit from Deadwood city,
And Mary’s heart he owned.

(Vs 2)
He set up shop outside the local bar,
He and his guitar would sure go far.
He knew all the songs, both old and new.
So he played and he played while the crowd grew.
And as Mary listened to the tune he played,
Her heart was his that very day.


(Vs 3)
Now as the boy was well loved, he chose to stay on.
And there Mary sat from dusk to dawn.
Her momma didn’t approve, but her daddy was gone.
And besides, as far as anyone knew,
They did nothing wrong.

But the boys over at the General Store,
They all got just a little bit sore.
Especially Tom Johnson, whose father was on the run.
So they saddled up their horses, and each grabbed his gun.
And everyone who saw, knew where they were bound.
They were set to put the Bandit six-feet underground.

(Chorus 2)
He was a good-looking boy with long hair of black.
A rucksack he carried with the guitar on his back.
The boys all aimed their guns, and his blood ran red.
He was the Six-string Bandit from Deadwood City,
And in Mary’s arms he’s dead.

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I’ll Live Alone

{Note: This song doesn't have music yet, but the lyrics are pretty much set}

(Vs 1)
Well my purpose here is to help, not hurt.
There are to many people who come just to desert.
And you don’t need my life story to talk about the weather,
And don’t think we’ll get through this, just you and me together.
I can’t let someone try again,
To attempt to take on all my pain.

So shed your tears for someone else,
For those who are worse off than me.
Don’t try to walk through my personal Hells,
Don’t try to swim my stormy sea.
My wounds can all heal on their own,
And I’m all set, I’ll live alone.

(Vs 2)
Now I know it’s going to be hard,
I know I’ll come out beaten and scarred.
But my God walks next to me, He’s by my side.
He knows my every thought, from Him I cannot hide.
So you see, I’m never really alone,
It’s just me and God, and this old radio.


So tell me of your pain,
I can see your heart’s strain.
Tell me of your love, your anger, your rage.
I’ll listen and comfort, it’s better this way.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wish They Had

(Vs 1)
Wild hair and eerie eyes,
A strong face that never cries,
That’s all they would see.
You could call him names he wouldn’t flinch,
Get him riled he won’t budge an inch,
That’s the way he was.

And no one ever knew when he was weeping.
No one ever knew when he was sad.
No one ever knew that he was lost and alone,
But now they wish they had.

(Vs 2)
Crazy and known as a maniac,
Country at heart, loved his Pontiacs,
And acoustic guitar.
Never really tried to fit in,
But no one ever cared about him,
But he didn’t mind.


(Vs 3)
Then one day he didn’t show up,
They thought he’d just given up,
Wasn’t like him though.
They never ever saw him again,
I think they finally missed him then,
‘Cause he was gone for good.

(Chorus 2)
And no one had ever seen him weeping.
No one had ever known he was sad.
No one ever knew he was lost and alone,
But now they wish he had.
Now they wish they had.

~Copyright Locke 2008~

Wonder of Wonders

(Vs 1)
Well I’ve been around the block a time or two.
And over the great ocean I have flew.
I’ve seen the hot springs shoot so high,
In glorious Yellowstone.
I’ve seen the Bad Lands in South Dakota,
I’ve seen the Presidents carved in stone.
I’ve seen a bird up in the sky,
I’ve heard the mighty eagle cry.

(Pre-Chorus 1)
But of all the wonder that has met these eyes,
There is just one scene that can make them cry.

It is a baby in a manger,
Destined to be our savior,
And to save us from sin.
Of God come down to earth,
Even though we spit and cursed,
And hung him on a cross.
Of Grace and Peace from eyes so soft.
That is the wonder of wonders.

(Vs 2)
Well I’ve seen what man can do.
The science we’ve discovered could someday save you.
I’ve seen Asian buildings that touch the clouds,
I’m sure their builders must be so proud.
I’ve heard music that sounds so sweet,
Ring throughout a city street.
And I’ve seen a full moon shine in the sky,
I’ve heard the lone wolf cry.

(Pre-chorus 2)
But out of all the things I’ve seen and heard,
Only one so much awe has stirred.


I’ve seen the face of New Zealand’s mountains,
I’ve seen the Maori dance.
I rode the winds of Milford Sound,
And I starred entranced.
And I’ve heard the mighty thunder,
But no, that’s not the wonder of wonders.


(Vs 3)
So as you celebrate this Christmas,
Think of what you do and say.
Because He was born for you,
The world’s hope came Christmas Day.
So please my friend, listen to me.
As you set up your nativity.
Look at that baby in the manger,
A king without fanfare and plunder.
That my friend is the wonder of wonders.
(Fade Out)

~Copyright Locke 2008~


(Vs 1)
Just the other day, I sat outside the house,
Talking to a friend, about problems with his spouse.
He said she broke his heart, his life had come apart,
He asked me what, it happened like that to him,
I said I didn’t know, but God had a plan.
He made our hearts vulnerable, to bring us back to Him.

Because God didn’t make our hearts bulletproof,
He wanted us to run to Him and find the Truth.
He made the guns and ammo, that shoot up our hearts,
So that we wouldn’t run to far.

(Vs 2)
There are times in life, when we go astray,
Whether a girl of bottle, or a smoking ashtray.
Too dumb and stubborn, to pull out on our own.
So God sends something to make us ache and grown.
Forcing us to find the shelter of his Amazing Grace,
And bask in the light of His radiant face.


It’s not because he hates us, but he loves us through and through.
That’s why he didn’t make our hearts bulletproof.


~Copyright Locke 2008~

Missing You This Bad

(Vs 1)
Oh, we stood outside, on the sand,
While the rain came down and the lightning flashed.
We had both known each other for just a few weeks back.
And as we watched, another lightning bolt streaked across the sky.
And it hit me, like a jolt, it was time to say goodbye.

It was only a moment, in a lifetime, filled with other moments.
Just a second, in a minute, in the hour I had with you.
Now I’m wondering, with the short time we had,
Oh why, am I missing you this bad?

(Vs 2)
Oh, as we sat inside that Target store, drinking our drinks down,
We joked and laughed, and made a video for all your friends at home.
And as my eyes, met the enchanting brilliance of your eyes,
I realized, with a broken heart, it was time for goodbyes!


It’s a wonder, how these moments, can seem like a lifetime;
And still seem so short.
Leaving us wanting more,
Because a moment’s not enough.

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

17 (going on 60)

(Vs 1)
I’ve done some things I aint proud of,
Like when I crawled through that chapel roof and, scarred my leg pretty bad.
Then there was the time I brought that barn loft down on my head,
Now I wish I never had.
There were the times I lied to my parents,
They can’t trust me anymore.
And there’s many a time God has had me crying on the floor.

I know I’m foolish and I’m dumb,
I’m a reckless, no-good bum,
Without a penny to his name.
I’m arrogant and I’m uncouth, but I’m outgrowing all my youth.
I know I’ve gone to far, its testified by these scars.
And I might be kinder and more careful,
A bit more sober and respectful.
But I’m still kinda tricksy,
Because I’m seventeen, going on sixty.

(Vs 2)
I dated that girl for 3 months, kinda behind my parents back.
Then she up and left, like that was that, but it still hurts.
I wanted to trust my friends, and I tried.
But I found that even they lied,
And I thought they were jerks.
I’ve lied and I’ve cheated, I’ve borrowed and I stole.
I’ve taken and given bruises, I’ve been on parole.


Well with all these aches and pains, how can I be this young?
I feel old and tired out, I think my life is done.
But there are many lessons for me to learn,
And it’s to God I need always turn.
Because He, of everyone in this galaxy,
Knows what its like being seventeen, going on sixty.


~Copyright Locke 2008~