
Thursday, April 2, 2009

I’ll Live Alone

{Note: This song doesn't have music yet, but the lyrics are pretty much set}

(Vs 1)
Well my purpose here is to help, not hurt.
There are to many people who come just to desert.
And you don’t need my life story to talk about the weather,
And don’t think we’ll get through this, just you and me together.
I can’t let someone try again,
To attempt to take on all my pain.

So shed your tears for someone else,
For those who are worse off than me.
Don’t try to walk through my personal Hells,
Don’t try to swim my stormy sea.
My wounds can all heal on their own,
And I’m all set, I’ll live alone.

(Vs 2)
Now I know it’s going to be hard,
I know I’ll come out beaten and scarred.
But my God walks next to me, He’s by my side.
He knows my every thought, from Him I cannot hide.
So you see, I’m never really alone,
It’s just me and God, and this old radio.


So tell me of your pain,
I can see your heart’s strain.
Tell me of your love, your anger, your rage.
I’ll listen and comfort, it’s better this way.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

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