
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

17 (going on 60)

(Vs 1)
I’ve done some things I aint proud of,
Like when I crawled through that chapel roof and, scarred my leg pretty bad.
Then there was the time I brought that barn loft down on my head,
Now I wish I never had.
There were the times I lied to my parents,
They can’t trust me anymore.
And there’s many a time God has had me crying on the floor.

I know I’m foolish and I’m dumb,
I’m a reckless, no-good bum,
Without a penny to his name.
I’m arrogant and I’m uncouth, but I’m outgrowing all my youth.
I know I’ve gone to far, its testified by these scars.
And I might be kinder and more careful,
A bit more sober and respectful.
But I’m still kinda tricksy,
Because I’m seventeen, going on sixty.

(Vs 2)
I dated that girl for 3 months, kinda behind my parents back.
Then she up and left, like that was that, but it still hurts.
I wanted to trust my friends, and I tried.
But I found that even they lied,
And I thought they were jerks.
I’ve lied and I’ve cheated, I’ve borrowed and I stole.
I’ve taken and given bruises, I’ve been on parole.


Well with all these aches and pains, how can I be this young?
I feel old and tired out, I think my life is done.
But there are many lessons for me to learn,
And it’s to God I need always turn.
Because He, of everyone in this galaxy,
Knows what its like being seventeen, going on sixty.


~Copyright Locke 2008~

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