
Saturday, April 4, 2009

By the Way…

(Vs 1)
Well, girls think I’m a little strange when I tell ‘em about my first girlfriend.
I describe her long neck and body’s curves, while they just sit and grin.
And when I say she was kinda high-strung, they roll their eyes and giggle.
They don’t understand I love her so, she was the perfect kind of model.

(spoken) You know where she is now?

She’s sitting in my closet in a big black case,
She’s got six strings and a sunburst face.
She loves to play and I do to,
I’m sure she’d love to meet you.
Oh, by the way, she’s my favorite little star,
She’s my guitar!

(Vs 2)
She never has accused me of an affair,
And I keep her in pretty good repair.
I handle her with lots of care,

(spoken) But on dates people all stare…


I’ll pick her any day,
Or maybe I’ll strum…
Oh well, people think our relationship is dumb…
But they don’t understand,
A girl like her is really grand!

(Chorus x2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

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