
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wish They Had

(Vs 1)
Wild hair and eerie eyes,
A strong face that never cries,
That’s all they would see.
You could call him names he wouldn’t flinch,
Get him riled he won’t budge an inch,
That’s the way he was.

And no one ever knew when he was weeping.
No one ever knew when he was sad.
No one ever knew that he was lost and alone,
But now they wish they had.

(Vs 2)
Crazy and known as a maniac,
Country at heart, loved his Pontiacs,
And acoustic guitar.
Never really tried to fit in,
But no one ever cared about him,
But he didn’t mind.


(Vs 3)
Then one day he didn’t show up,
They thought he’d just given up,
Wasn’t like him though.
They never ever saw him again,
I think they finally missed him then,
‘Cause he was gone for good.

(Chorus 2)
And no one had ever seen him weeping.
No one had ever known he was sad.
No one ever knew he was lost and alone,
But now they wish he had.
Now they wish they had.

~Copyright Locke 2008~

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