
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Letter From God (Unfinished)

(This song is mostly complete, I need 2 more lines for the bridge though, but I'll edit them in when I get them.)

(Vs 1)
I got a letter just the other day.
I opened it up, and this is what it did say;
Hey Kid, I love you and it will all be all right.
It may seem kind of dark and cold right about now,
But remember that there is a bright and shining sun behind the clouds.

And He said not what I wanted, but needed to hear.
He comforted me and took away all of my fear.
It was signed in gold and sealed with a cross,
It just made my day, this letter from God.

(Vs 2)
As I read on tears came to my eyes,
The letters in Red revealed all the world’s lies.
Because He knows it all nothing can hide,
And I know He’s not just along for part of the ride.
And though I had a rough day,
He told me I would be Okay.


And did you know that He has written you one too?
It’s in His Holy Word that He gave to you.

(Chorus (x2?))

~Copyright Locke 2009~

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