
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

World Without a… God?

“Fastest Man Alive!”
“He is the Creator”
“The Caped Crusader”
“And He will be clothed in Majesty” (Zechariah 6:13)
“Man of Steel”
“Son of God”
“It’s a bird!”
“King of Kings”
“It’s a Plane!”
“Lord of Lords”
“No, its…”
“Jesus Christ, the Savior of all the world.”

(vs 1)

Dark Knight, cape flows back,
Face hidden by a cowl black.
No hope, dark is my day,
As I struggle to make the bad guys pay.

“S” Shield known to the world,
Chest swells up when flag unfurls.
Fire and bullets can’t break my skin,
But can I save the world from sin?

Because what is a superhero without a Savior?
Who saves the hero when his heart’s in danger?
What could he do when his souls at stake,
Without the Christ, his sins to take?
You can’t put Jesus out of a job,
‘Cause what is the world without God?

(Vs 2)
Red suit, gold lightning bolt.
He runs faster than a young colt.
Faster than fast, quickest of men,
But can he outrun his own sin?

Warrior chick from the Amazon,
She throws her lasso and Eres is gone.
But she’s been in love with Batman, Superman to.
Wonder Woman who’ll save you?


(Vs 3)
Hair tangled, falls down his back,
He’s here to get the world on track.
Many mortals will follow his cause,
Those who don’t fall to Satan’s jaws.

No super strength or X-ray vision,
From his eyes come just tears he cries.
A normal man with legacy divine,
Trust him with your life as I did mine.

(Chorus 2)

~Copyright Locke 2008~

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