
Friday, April 3, 2009

Bless the Scars

God, bless these scars.
I know I’ve come so far,
And have a long way to go.
God, bring peace to this war.
Bring this wreck to the shore,
Because I don’t know what to do.

(Vs 1)
See the cuts on my heart, see the jagged scars.
I’ve been down lower than I thought I could go.
I’ve almost drowned when the waters of Life began to flow.

I’ve lived a life of hurt and pain,
I want to see the sun and sky again.
Save my soul while you still can.
I can be killed; I’m just a man.


(Vs 2)
See the blood on my hands, see all my dying friends.
I’ve seen hurt, like you’ve never known.
I’m still not sure where my life will go.


God wants me to life my life for Him,
And I’m tired of carrying all this sin.
I’m tired of all the tears,
I’ve faced to many fears,
I feel I’ve lived to many years.


~Copyright Locke 2009~

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