
Friday, April 3, 2009

The Ballad of the Six String Bandit

(Vs 1)
Mary was a good girl, she never was out with the guys,
Laughing and carousing, and drinking the local bar dry.
She had hair like the finest gold, eyes like blue fire.
Twenty years old and still not hitched,
She was all the boy’s desire.
But no one had a chance, until out by Chuck’s ranch,
The Bandit rode to town.

He was a good-looking boy with long hair of black.
A rucksack he carried with the guitar on his back.
He rode through town like the place was his,
On the back of the gorgeous roan.
He was the Six-string Bandit from Deadwood city,
And Mary’s heart he owned.

(Vs 2)
He set up shop outside the local bar,
He and his guitar would sure go far.
He knew all the songs, both old and new.
So he played and he played while the crowd grew.
And as Mary listened to the tune he played,
Her heart was his that very day.


(Vs 3)
Now as the boy was well loved, he chose to stay on.
And there Mary sat from dusk to dawn.
Her momma didn’t approve, but her daddy was gone.
And besides, as far as anyone knew,
They did nothing wrong.

But the boys over at the General Store,
They all got just a little bit sore.
Especially Tom Johnson, whose father was on the run.
So they saddled up their horses, and each grabbed his gun.
And everyone who saw, knew where they were bound.
They were set to put the Bandit six-feet underground.

(Chorus 2)
He was a good-looking boy with long hair of black.
A rucksack he carried with the guitar on his back.
The boys all aimed their guns, and his blood ran red.
He was the Six-string Bandit from Deadwood City,
And in Mary’s arms he’s dead.

~Copyright Locke 2008~

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